Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Is there such a thing as a truly selfless act?  Now, I don't mean this to paint such an egotistical and narcissistic portrait of human nature as it will almost certainly sound, but I don't know that anything done by anyone anywhere is motivated ultimately by anything more than self-preservation.

But wait, you exclaim, what about soup-kitchens, charity, stopping to help a stranger change a flat?!?  Are those ultimately motivated by selfish logic?  Well, I'd thoughtfully reply, why did so-and-so volunteer at the kitchen?  Why did you donate those clothes to Goodwill?  Why did you pull over?  Well because it's the right thing to do, you'd say, wondering why this idiot even posed such a shallow question anyway.  But again, why?  The answers to that can certainly be far-ranging...

For one thing, it's in accordance to my religious beliefs.  Fair enough, but what happens next?  Once upon a time, I took the Anthropology of Death during my undergrad (back in my youth), we had a great discussion about why people have religion, if perhaps there was no death, there may very well be no religion, for, after all, much of religion consists of "doing the right thing" now, and then reaping the rewards in the afterlife.  If I pray, tithe, donate, spread the Word, off nonbelievers, and so on, I will be rewarded in the next life, whether with virgins, clouds and harps, or rebirth.  Isn't that the idea?  Now here I'd add an addendum: the use of religion to confront the fear and certainty of death is matched only by its use to justify a seemingly unjust world.  If I do good now, even without worldly gain, I will be immortalized later.  So, in effect, what you're saying is that you're helping people now not necessarily because it's the right thing to do, or even because you want to, but because you want to go to heaven?

Well, fine, you say, I help people because it makes me feel good.  After a slight and not-very-inconspicuous sigh, I'd look hard at them and have them figure this one out...  I mean really...you're going to try to justify an action as unselfish because it makes you feel good?  C'mon now.  You're better than that.

I help people because what goes around, comes around.  Again, inevitably attempting to benefit yourself. 

Even politics - we vote not to help the huddled masses, we vote in accordance with our beliefs.  If our candidate espouses our same beliefs, we guarantee that our values survive.  We vote one way or another because we worry about our taxes going up, the future of our employment and industry, the future of our kids (Darwinism...the natural desire to ensure the survival of our genes).

I realize I've barely skimmed the surface of the issue, but consider this food for thought.  So what's your point, you ask. My point is just to be aware of the phenomenon is all; should we stop all charitable acts because we realize that maybe we're a bit more selfish than first thought?  Not at all!  I mean, is a good done for the wrong reasons not still a good deed?  If I donated thousands of dollars to a after-school facility with the expectation that my name be front and center on their next leaflet, isn't that still several thousand more dollars than they had before?  So perhaps it doesn't matter why we help people out - I say it's still a better world wherein we do help those in need for self-preservation than one with self-preservation as an overt motivator.  So, please, go out and help someone.  Spare some change, support a cause, donate some time, effort, money...just because I'm doing it for me and you're doing it for you, that doesn't mean that the act itself is nullified.

So go lend a hand!

And remember, charitable donations are tax-deductible ;)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thoughts on snacking

There was a news story I just read about a certain snack being banned at some schools, and the comments below were just raring to go on how the government shouldn't be dictating what our kids eat.  “What my kid eats is MY business” said one alias-emboldened commentator.  And yet none seemed to appreciate the irony in the fact that this occurrence is taking place in a public school…an educational system created and functioning because of government involvement.  We demand our children go to school, adhere to laws that decree they can read at or above grade level, and appreciate that everyone, even those without children in that particular school, pay for it.  But suddenly the fight is against government involvement.  Please let me into your reasoning.  We have the responsibility to educate our children, but bear no such onus to stop them from getting fat.  Lovely.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quote of the Week #4

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."
-William Butler Yeats