Thursday, August 28, 2014

Tri-Color Maze

Just a fun activity for the end of your week! Attempt to traverse the maze, beginning at either end and finishing at the other, without traveling on the same color twice in a row.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Love it

I do appreciate Weird Al's latest parody... I feel it resonates with so many of my gripes about the displayed intelligence of contemporary society.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Still Alive

Hey ya'll, my sincerest apologies for the incredible span of time between posts.  I understand everyone was waiting on baited breath for the next update to come down the pipeline, and as time went on, many of you undoubtedly became concerned for my well-being.  So I do appreciate that.  The story is that I've just been away for quite some time, off on the road for work - West Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, California, Utah...

In that span I have trained some 80 people, participated in two trainings myself (one at Petzl THAT is a place to see!), inspected 7 courses, created an operational oversight report...  It's been a heck of a spring and summer so far!

But know that I am alive and well, and will be trying to get back into weekly posts as I try to return to normalcy.  So thank you for your patience, and check back soon!