Saturday, June 13, 2015

I know I know I know

It happens far more than I'd like to admit. These lengthy dry spells without a single word written. I've appreciated this blog as an outlet, to sit and type - whatever comes out of it usually ends up surprising me as well as tangent leads to tangent and suddenly I've realized something completely new and different, about myself, about the topic, about anything. It has always amazed me where my stream of consciousness takes me, and I am thankful to have this forum to do so.

It just doesn't work as well when I don't use it. Or, as has been the case over the past few weeks, I start writing something but don't finish it. Or I reconsider it. Or end up rereading it after grabbing another cup of coffee only to realize it's absolutely ridiculous. It happens. But I also have been away from this ol' computer too long lately.

And admittedly even I was getting bored with the Multiple Intelligence video idea. So there's that.

But this absence has helped me realize how much I do enjoy writing and getting out of my head. As though it gives me a sense of purpose, a form of simple enjoyment. I suppose writing is my hobby, just more intermittent than I'd like. I suppose that starts with me though. Carving out the time to sit down and put pen to paper. Not making a big deal of it - I think we all know those times when something we do becomes something we "have" to do, and in the end the prep work we tell ourselves is required becomes more consuming than the actual at itself and inevitably nothing gets done. "I'll do it tomorrow". Heck, I just told myself that not half an hour ago. But why wait? And perhaps I'll end up writing tomorrow as well. But that's tomorrow. I'll worry about that then. How's it go? "Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery, today's a gift. That's why it's called the present." Perhaps paraphrased, and cheesy as heck, but a fair sentiment nonetheless.

So it's time to get back on track!


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