Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year

Here we are in 2012.
2011 seemed to have come and go so quickly, but I hear that happens more and more as life goes on. Before you know it, we’ll be starting 2022 without a second thought as to where the last decade had gone. 2012 will bring us another year older and hopefully another year wiser.

Will it be a perfect year? I doubt it. But will the good times far outweigh the bad? Most assuredly. We sit here at the cusp of a new year, full of hopes and ambitions for what the next 365 days will hold. And yet we found ourselves in this same position not too very long ago. Didn’t we have the same high hopes for 2011? And yet looking around and listening to many people reflect, 2011 was a year that people are glad to be rid of. Go check your social networking site and scroll through to find updates from people breathing a sigh of relief that 2011 has passed, that the uphill battles, heartache, and down times are gone, and how they’re looking ahead to 2012 with a hopeful eye.

But could these be the same feelings many had a year ago regarding the advent of 2011? What about 2010? As time continues to roll forward, what do we see when we look back? Are we only focusing on losing that job, or getting that traffic ticket, or breaking up with your significant other? I mean, of course the past looks grim when all we focus on is the hard times. But what about the good times? What about that night out with your friends? What about that night in with your loved ones? What about the fact that even if your car broken down one day, it got us where we needed to go every day before that? So as we embark on a new year, I encourage all of you to focus on the good, positive aspects of 2012, so when December 31, 2012 rolls around, our hope for 2013 can be equally matched with a smile for the past year.

Happy 2012 everybody!

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