Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I know, I know, I know!

Alright enough!  I realize it's been almost an entire month since my last post, and I just know that it's starved you, dear reader, of my witticism, acute observations, and biting critiques of whatever comes to mind each and every week.  But alas, I have left you wanting.

Let's lay blame to a myriad of factors, not the least of which is a tough-to-conquer case of writers block.  Believe me, I've a stockpile of drafts ready to be posted, a plethora of reflections just waiting for their day in the sun, but 'tis not to be.  The words I've been putting on paper are nothing short of trite (and yes, I do realize the very low bar I set, so you know they're bad!); mindless driveling as I try to figure out a more prosaic way to express my vast insights.

I also do fully realize my modesty and humility is second to none.  Some would say that I, indeed, am very best at humility, and many extol the depth of my modesty.  You get used to it, really.

Even now, I'm more or less droning on in lieu of any useful orations.  Again, writers block.  But please stay optimistic, dear reader, more to come!

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